Tuesday, July 12, 2011


. SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic RAM)

- Type RAM built in 1996. SDRAM is the RAM is legendary, and able to survive long in the development of computer systems. As the name implies has a term SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic RAM is the ability to match the clock with the clock of the processor. If the RAM and processor in the same clock, then the computer system will be in balance because the data flow between them running smoothly. Technical characteristics have 168-pin SDRAM, 3.3V & 100/133 MHz FSB. Currently SDRAM is not used anymore by the computer platform, last used on the Pentium 4 version of the first generation. Types of SDRAM: SDRAM 32, 64, 128, 256, 512MB PC100/133.

• DDR (Double Data Rate)

- Type RAM is a further development of SDRAM technology. DDR was made in 2000. DDR was first created as a major competitor of Intel's RDRAM memory, and Rambus who developed in the early generations of Pentium 4, and is currently the mainstream of computer platforms. Technical characteristics of the 184-pin DDR, 2.5V & FSB 266/333/400 MHz. In theory, DDR has twice the processing capability compared to SDRAM, being able to carry 2 bits at a clock-it-compared to only 1 bit SDRAM reply. DDR is still used on various platforms, such as the Pentium 4 & Celeron D and will soon be replaced with DDR2 technology. Types of DDR: DDR 128, 256, 512, 1024 MB PC2100/2700/3200.

• DDR2 (Double Data Rate Generation 2)

DDR2 is the next generation of DDR with improvements in various features, such as the use of IC BGA (Ball Grid Array) which has a heat resistant & high density and a higher FSB. Technical characteristics of the 240-pin DDR2, 1.8V & 400/533/667/800 MHz FSB. DDR2 has a greater capacity of the DDR, where the latter can reach 2GB / modules. And now DDR2 will become the standard for all Intel platforms, 2006 onwards. DDR2 Types: DDR 256, 512, 1024 MB PC3200/4300/5300/6400.

• RDRAM (Rambus Dynamic RAM)

RAM Type was first created in 1999. RDRAM is the RAM using a new technology developed by a company who called Rambus. RDRAM bandwidth has the ability to match the bandwidth requirements on an Intel Pentium 4 processor. Dual Channel technology was first introduced by RDRAM. Unlike the others who have the type of processing RDRAM Serial, compared to DDR SDRAM & reply to Parallel processing. Technical characteristics of RDRAM is 184-pin, 2.5V & FSB 800, 1066 with 16-bit architecture (2 bytes). Currently all types of RDRAM is not used anymore on the computer because the price is too expensive and its performance has been equaled by DDR/DDR2. Types of RDRAM: RDRAM 64, 128, 256, 512 MHz PC800/1.066.

Virtual Memory vs. RAM
Virtual memory is temporary storage space that used to run programs that require a memory larger than physical memory. In other words, the virtual memory used to hold programs and data that is not enough physical memory
Virtual memory is slower than physical memory
The use of too much virtual memory can decrease performance of the system, Accordingly, the windows move the process that is not too often to the virtual memory, and let the process that is often used in physical memory. So this is very efficient.
The size of virtual memory can be changed. Windows recommends a minimum size of vitual memory is 1.5 times the physical memory. If you have multiple hard drives, eg the first hard drive is C: and the second hard disk is D: and you rarely use the D: drive, you can move the virtual memory to the D: drive. Moving to the hard disk virtual memory that are rarely used will slightly improve performance. The reason is, on the first hard drive is usually very busy head of the hard drive to open programs, documents, save files and much more. But remember, this way would not be useful if your drives are located on the same drive or in other words, a partition.
Process address space can be sequential logic. In its physical memory page spread (via the MMU)
Gains derived from only a portion of the program storage memory only on the physical / major are:
Decreasing the M / K is needed (traffic M / K is low)
Space becomes more flexible due to the reduction of physical memory that is used
Increased response due to reduced loads I / O and memory
Increasing the number of users that can be served. Space that is still widely available memory allows the computer to receive more requests from users

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