Monday, July 18, 2011

Functions and Benefits of Computers

In today if someone does not understand computers practically obsolete, ancient and clueless. While in the field of work of all people are in demand to understand using the computer, because the computer is a means to simplify and speed up the work.

Everyone has different reasons when they were asked about what functions the computer, their answers include:

    Job easier.
    As a communication tool
    As a tool for entertainment

Most people will answer the three reasons above. Also many parents who were born in the days of the past did not understand at all the benefits of computers, so they do not think computers are important and result in the generation penerusnyapun they do not emphasize or teach their children to and must understand the computer field.

In the computer world all things, all subject areas, classroom and in the computer business, education and science even more complete when obtained from a computer with Internet media compared with that in science lessons or get from the school.

Now let's discuss what functions and benefits of computers to us:

1. As a means to facilitate the computer:

With a lot of computer work that can be resolved easily, if the first person to type the letter must be with a typewriter, and if there are errors then the paper will be torn and re-type back, but that with the typewriter that has the type of document can not be edit again, while using the computer we can type a document, edit and save the document to be edited repeatedly.

2. Kompter As a Means of Communication

Ancient times when communicating with someone who was away from us, we can use the telephone facilities, but that we only heard friends or relatives. With computers we can:

    Talking with friends or relatives we
    As he spoke we could see them using webcams
    Can write our words to them (chat!)
    Also we can write to them (Email)
    We can send pictures or files to them, etc.

3. Computer as a Tool for Entertainment

In the past we only radio entertainment tools, tape, television and the streets to find out the conditions and situation of a region. With computers we can mengghibur dirikita with various facilities contained on a computer include:

    Hear the songs or music via CD / DVD or via the Internet
    Watch vidoe tapes via CD / DVD or via the Internet
    Playing Game, with gaming applications that we own or Game Install online with the Internet.
    In touch with friends through chat! Facilities, or Webcam
    Watch TV, the TV channel reciver that we put on the computer or through a TV Channel Online with Internet

4. Computer as a Tool Education

Formerly only educational facility we get through school, and in addition to the school of education information can be obtained through the medium of Radio, Television, Newspapers, and places of course. By using a computer connected to the Internet or not we can get the education and science, among others:

    Of the applications that we install. Every application that we install must have his help menu (Help) is a tutorial how to use the program and training.
    Install applications that we can make us become experts in several fields such as: Adobe photoshope, with this application we can become a proficient field of graphics, Power Point; with this application we become an adept in the field of percentage, Autocad; with this application we could become an adept in the field of architectural design, etc..
    Apart from the applications that we install, when we are connected to the Internet which we can obtain an education or science such as: History, Culture, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Medicine or Health, Economics, Politics, Website designe, language (any language can be obtained) , etc. Religious knowledge.

5. As Computer Information Facility
With computers we can see or obtain the information we need such as:

    Educational information, Places of Education
    Entertainment information, look for places Entertainment
    Travel information, find and book a ticket transportation has
    Product information, find the product you want.
    Job information, job menjari.
    Information News, look for events or news at home and abroad
    Weather information, find out the current weather conditions
    Traffic information, knowing the traffic situation
    Health information, health tips and tempat2 looking for treatment.
    Political Information
    Trade Information
    Business information, look for opportunities to open a business
    and much more information can be obtained from the computer connected to the Internet.

6. Computers For Business Facilities

In addition to communications, Easing employment, and entertainment devices, computers can also be used as a tool to do a lot of businesses that bring in revenue for us, among others:

    Creating Computer Rental
    Creating Warnet
    Make Business printing
    Creating a business vidoe Editing
    Creating Business Ringtones and Wallpapers to the Hp
    Make Business Sablon
    Creating business and Install Computer Software Service
    Architectural Design to open a business.
    Opening Business Graphic design for advertising
    Opening Business Website Design
    Opening Business akounting programmers and financial
    Opening Business Computer Course
    Creating a Web Service as a medium of information
    Fabricate and create online books that can be sold

7. Computer In Control Measures

In some factories, Hospitality, and many computer companies used as a means to control or operate the system such as:

    Controlling the security camera
    Robots control the operation of machinery plant
    Controlling Escalator
    Pengontorlan recording studio lighting for lights
    Control Video Editing equipment
    Control of road traffic lighting
    Network Control System Network

But of all the positive things that can be obtained from the computer, many of the negative side of that caused by computer users include:

    With the computer facilities as a means of entertainment such as chat and gaming, many people who fall asleep so that they forget about their duties and responsibilities jawap, such as learning, working etc..
    By accessing situs2 displaying pornographic images and videos can damage a person's character.
    Many acts of fraud by creating a website to earn money easily.
    Programmers known as hackers, who can take a person's data to be traded, and can damage the system.

But it's all good and bad computer functions depending on the wearer, and I am sure that the computer was not created to make a bad thing, but to help humans in facilitating all areas of work.

So my first exposure on the functions and benefits of computers
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